I had always been fantasized by the way game developers built a whole new life out of what was just virtual. To begin with ending the fantasy i had thought of designing games on my own, once i reach a level where i can understand and display all the insight into this vast topic.
Game development is just not about being good at animation and graphical analogy, a soul can own 3D-MAX, MAYA and their counterparts and learn animation first hand but what counts is the way we design the whole structure of the game keeping in mind the following aspects...
1) Focus on the player:
Every player genuinely wants to be the focal point in the game and desires to control its outcome. Games don’t have to be easy – they shouldn’t be easy. The more difficult a game is, the more is the satisfaction of having completed it.
2)Keep it simple:
Simplicity is often underestimated. A gamer doesn’t want to read dozens and dozens of documentation to be able to start playing a game. Just a few quick pointers and perhaps a quick tutorial at times, should serve the purpose.
3)The story:
As a general rule, the story is very important – a gamer wants to be a part of the bigger picture. For example, nearly all RPGs are powered by invigorating storylines. However, a good story doesn’t necessarily mean a complex story. A story should not be over-complicated.
Stunning graphics are an integral part of the overall game package. Graphics greatly enhance gameplay and all of the above factors. It is meaningless to have, for example a great storyline and poor graphics. They will cancel each other out. Good graphics communicate the overall game to the player. Ideally, one should make use of the latest and state-of-the-art graphic engines when required or build a great graphics engine from scratch when any of the existing ones are insufficient to serve the purpose.
Yet another integral part of a game is its sound. Sound encompasses background scores, voice-acting, character reactions, FX, situational music and the lot. For example, in Baldur’s Gate II, the background score is situational and hence, very interesting.
Now, if u think u have the sort of mind to develop somethin having the following credentials then I would like to share certain information with u. Recently I was googling and came across this scripting language-
Monster scripting language 0.10 or Monster:
Monster script (or just Monster) is an advanced scripting language made specifically for game development. The language features many new and powerful features, while still aiming first and foremost at increasing productivity and actual usability. The language is especially designed to facilitate game modelling and user-generated content and scripts. It is highly object oriented, type safe, bytecode-compiled, and is easily embedded into existing game engines.
Now dont get all excited and think that u mite be able to develop a FIFA or a CRYSIS once u get the MONSTER! Monster aims to be a high-level control language with a focus on game logic and interaction between objects. Implementation details, such as hardware access, file I/O, concurrency, memory management and even networking should all be handled behind the scenes and be transparent to the script programmer.
I was really impressed by the manipulation possible by Monster and am using it too!
Tutorial: http://monster.snaptoad.com/tutorials/tutorial1_basics.html
Download: http://monster.snaptoad.com/download.html
nice buddy
me too addicted of gaming (esp mission gaming like -counter strike, max payene, C O D, Commandos, FEAR and many more..... Cars too )
one thing again, me too a gr8 lover of the soccer and the 'soccerates'
well too much common
think cud be gud frns......
se yaa
like dat..jus for the info, counter strike is not mission it is jus fps(first person shootin), the rest are! jus rectifyin d mistake..
i am a big CS freak! have been to loads of colleges in bhopal too for clan matches, its fun!
nice to see so much in common..hope to catch on some more common stuff!
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